Stocklottrading - European excess inventory, Excess inventories , Excess trading.

Stocklottrading - European excess inventory, Excess inventories , Excess trading.

1. Surfing
    How to see the excess inventories?
    How to see the traders list?

2. Mailing list.
    How to register to the excess inventory list?
    How to log in to your excess inventory page?
    How to change your company details?
    How to change your password?

3. Free Membership.
    How to register as a free member to the excess inventory?
    How to log in to your personal excess inventory?
    How to change your company excess inventories?
    How to cancel your subscription at
    How to change your password?

4. Paying Membership.
    How to register to excess inventories as a Paying member?
    Paying member payment procedure?
    How long is your excess trading membership valid?
    How to log in to your excess trading page?
    How to change your excess trading details?
    How to post a stock on
    How to edit/change a stock posted on excess inventories?
    How to remove a stock from
    How to add Pictures to an excess trading?
    How to remove Pictures from excess intenory?
    How to add a packing list to excess inventories?
    How to remove a excess trading from a stock?
    How to change your password?

How to see the excess trading list ?
Go to the home page and click on the "stocks" link on top of the page or click "show complete list" in the stocks in the spotlight slide show.

How to see the excess traders list ?
Go to the home page and click on the "European excess traders" link on top of the page or click " show complete list" in the traders in the spotlight slide show. Paying members will always be on top.

How to register to excess inventory?
All companies ( EU & Non EU can register to the mailing list.). Free and paying members do not have to register to the mailing list since these memberships already include the mailing list subscription.
Go to the homepage and click on the "Mailing list" link in the green Memberships field. Fill out the "join mailing list" form. Fields with a red * must be completed in order to register. Choose the product groups you are interested in so we know what mailing to send you in the future (5 Max). When ready press the "submit" button in order to complete the registration. You are now registered to the mailing list. You will receive a password & username by e - mail shortly after registration. They allow you to log in to your personal page and change your company mailing list settings and to change your membership status.

How to log in to your personal excess trading page?
Go to the " Log in here " field at the left side of the home page. Enter your Username and Password and press "Login" to access your personal excess inventorie page. You must be registered to the mailing list or be a free or paying member to have a password and Username.

How to change your inventory details?
Login to your personal page, click "edit inventory profile". You can now change your company details and/or select new product groups of your interest. Press submit. In case you have a new e - mail address please inform our office about this since you cannot change this detail yourself. Send a mail to

How to change your excess inventory status?
Login to your personal page, click "Change status excess inventory ", select the desired membership and press confirm. You will receive an e - mail confirming the change.

How to change your password?
Login to your personal page, click"Change password", enter your old password once in the upper field and your new password (of choice) twice in the remaining fields. Click "submit". Your new password will be valid immediately.

How to cancel your subscription at excess inventories?
Login to your personal page, click "Unsubscribe from European excess inventories, Press OK. This action will cancel all current memberships you have at irrevocably.

How to register as a free member?
Only European companies with VAT nr. trading surplus & stock lots can register as free members. Go to the homepage and click on the "free" link in the green Memberships field. Fill out the "Free Member" form. Fields with a red * must be completed in order to register.
1. Select the product groups you want your company to be listed under. (5 max)
2 Write a piece of text that will be seen on your company page.
3. Select the product groups of your interest so we know what mailings to send you in the future (5 max.). Do not forget to enter your VAT. nr. Press submit. You will receive a password & username by e - mail shortly after registration. They allow you to log in to your personal page and to change your company settings and your membership status.

How to register to excess inventory as a Paying member?
Only European companies with VAT nr. trading surplus & stock lots can register as paying members. Go to the homepage and click on the "Paying" link in the green Memberships field. Fill out the "Paying Member" form. Fields with a red * must be completed in order to register.
1. Select the product groups you want your company to be listed under.
2. Write a piece of text that will be seen on your company page.
3. Select the product groups of your interest so we know what mailings to send you in the future (5 max.). Do not forget to enter your VAT. nr. Press submit. You will receive a password & username by e - mail shortly after registration. They allow you to log in to your personal page and to change your company settings and your membership status. You will be listed as a free member until payment of your membership has been arranged.

Paying member payment procedure.
After registering as a paying member you will receive an e - mail with instructions and the pro - forma invoice attached. Payment of the 500 Euro ( ex. VAT 21% for Belgium companies only) should be done by money transfer to following account:

VTS – C Bvba
Virtual Trading Services & Consulting ltd.
Condedreef 103
8500 Kortrijk/Belgium
Tel: + 32 (0)56 25 67 55
Fax: + 32 (0)56 25 91 18

Dexia Bank
Grote Markt 15
8500 Kortrijk/ Belgium
Bankaccount: 068-2218219-50

You will be listed as a free member until payment of your membership has been arranged.
Once we receive your deposit we will upgrade your membership immediately and send you the original invoice by Post. You will then be able to post your stocks in the stock list and put your company on the homepage of

How long is your excess trading membership valid?
Your excess trading membership is valid for 1 full year starting the day we receive your payment and upgrade your status from free to paying member. Your membership fee will not be refunded should you cancel your membership before that date.

How to post a excess inventory on
Login to your personal page, Click " Add stock", fill out/complete the list. You do not have to give all information that is asked for. You can write a piece of text to give more specific information about the stock. Click "submit". Should you have any specific questions regarding this form do not hesitate to contact us.

How to edit/change a stock posted on
Login to your personal page, Click " excess trading Stock overview, click on of the desired stock, change/edit the desired information, click " submit"

How to remove a stock from
Login to your personal page, Click "Stock overview, click on of the desired stock, the stock will be removed /erased.

How to add Pictures to a excess inventory?
Login to your personal page, click" upload pictures", select the stock you want to add pictures to. You can add 2 pictures per stock with a maximum of 200 pixels per picture.
Picture 1: Select picture (click "bladeren"), point out the location of the picture on your computer, select the picture, click upload and wait short moment until picture loads.
Picture 2: Repeat same procedure, select another picture.
If uploads were successful the pictures will now be visible online.

How to remove Pictures from a excess inventory stock?
Login to your personal page, Click "Stock overview", click , scroll down the page until you see the "Pictures" field, click of the picture you wish to remove, delete the picture and click "submit".

How to add a packing list to a excess inventory stock?
Login to your personal page, click " Upload excess inventory packing lists", select the stock you want to add a packing list to, click" Bladeren", point out the location of the document on your computer, "select the desired document, click " upload"

How to remove a packing list from a excess inventorystock?
Login to your personal page, Click "excess inventory Stock overview", click , scroll down the page until you see the "Packing list" field, click of the packing list you wish to remove, delete the packing list and click "submit".

Stocklottrading - European excess inventory, Excess inventories , Excess trading.